
Authoring plugins

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jlenv plugins provide new commands and/or hook into existing functionality of jlenv. The following file naming scheme should be followed in a plugin project:

  1. bin/jlenv-COMMAND for commands
  2. etc/jlenv.d/HOOK_NAME/*.bash for hooks

jlenv commands

A jlenv command is an executable named like jlenv-COMMAND. It will get executed when a user runs jlenv COMMAND. Its help will be displayed when a user runs jlenv help COMMAND. It can be written in any interpreted language, but bash script is recommended for portability.

A plugin command cannot override any of the jlenv’s built-in commands.


Each jlenv command runs with the following environment:

  • $JLENV_ROOT - where jlenv versions & user data is typically in ~/.jlenv
  • $JLENV_DIR - the current directory of the caller
  • $PATH - constructed to contain:
    1. jlenv’s libexec dir with core commands
    2. $JLENV_ROOT/plugins/*/bin for plugin commands
    3. $PATH (external value)

Calling other commands

When calling other commands, from a command, use the jlenv-COMMAND form (with dash) instead of jlenv COMMAND (with space).

Use jlenv’s core low-level commands to inspect the environment instead of doing it manually. For example, read the result of jlenv-prefix instead of constructing it like $JLENV_ROOT/versions/$version.

A plugin command shouldn’t have too much knowledge of jlenv’s internals.

Help text

An jlenv command should provide help text in the topmost comment of its source code. The help format is described in jlenv help help.

Here is a template for an executable called jlenv-COMMAND:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Summary: One line, short description of a command
# Usage: jlenv COMMAND \[--optional-flag\] <required-argument>
# More thorough help text wrapped at 70 characters that spans
# multiple lines until the end of the comment block.

set -e
\[ \-n "$jlenv\_DEBUG" \] && set -x

# Optional: Abort with usage line when called with invalid arguments
# (replace COMMAND with the name of this command)
if \[ \-z "$1" \]; then
  jlenv-help --usage COMMAND \>&2
  exit 1


A command can optionally provide tab-completions in the shell by outputting completion values when invoked with the --complete flag.

Provide jlenv completions

if \[ "$1" \= "\--complete" \]; then
  echo hello

Note: it’s important to keep the above comment intact. This is how jlenv detects if a command is provides completion values.

jlenv hooks

Hooks are bash scripts named HOOK_NAME/*.bash, where “HOOK_NAME” is one of:

  • exec
  • rehash
  • version-name
  • version-origin
  • which

Hooks are looked for in $JLENV_HOOK_PATH, which is composed of:

  1. $JLENV_HOOK_PATH (external value)
  2. $JLENV_ROOT/jlenv.d
  3. /usr/local/etc/jlenv.d
  4. /etc/jlenv.d
  5. /usr/lib/jlenv/hooks
  6. $JLENV_ROOT/plugins/*/etc/jlenv.d

Hook scripts are executed at specific points during jlenv operation. They provide a low-level entry point for integration with jlenv’s functionality. To get a better understanding of the possibilities with hooks, read the source code of jlenv’s hook-enabled commands listed above.