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Page Contents

  • Plugins
    • Approved plugins
    • Community plugins

See Authoring Plugins for instructions on how to write new commands for jlenv or hook into its functionality.

A plugin can be installed by dropping it in as a sub-directory of $JLENV_ROOT/plugins, or it can be located elsewhere on the system as long as jlenv-* executables are placed in the $PATH and hooks are installed accordingly somewhere in $JLENV_HOOK_PATH.

Approved plugins

These plugins are endorsed by jlenv maintainers.

  • julia-installer - install, update and diagnose jlenv. Provides the jlenv doctor command.
  • julia-build - compile and install Julia. Provides the jlenv install command. <!– * ctags - automatically generate ctags for jlenv Julia stdlibs
  • vars - safely sets global and per-project environment variables
  • each - execute the same command with each installed Julia
  • update - update jlenv and installed plugins
  • whatis - resolve abbreviations to full Julia identifiers (useful for other plugins)
  • aliases - create aliases for Julia versions –>

Community plugins

Please add your plugin here.